Tittibasana - always makes me smile!


Firstly, this is NOT me. I wish! This is Firefly pose, or Tittibasana. I love, love, love the name (*stifles small giggle) and I totally aspire to the pose. I wanted to share with you why I called my business Firefly. This posture is my inspiration. It’s unlikely that I will ever get into its full expression but the only way I will get anywhere close is by practicing yoga.

We have a saying in our family which is ‘everything is possible, never give up’. Just getting on my mat with three young children is HARD. I am often overwhelmed and utterly exhausted at the end of the day. But I know that when I roll out my mat (and actually get on it) small miracles happen. I feel more ease in my body and more settled in my mind. In my book yoga should be number one in your mothering toolbox. Shortly followed by chocolate buttons and Haribos.

Victoria Cocker